To feel safe, alive and liberated in your body is your birthright

Hello beautiful being.
My name is Sara.
I guide women back home to themselves, their body and inner wisdom, through the body. Why through the body? Because our entire history is coded within us, in the body, and everything we haven’t been able to deal with or face before, all that we’ve been avoiding, that which is denied, exiled, judged, feared and basically in the shadow – it all actually manifests in one way or another, in this present moment, as our current reality.
However one of the most beautiful things about working with the body is that we don’t need anything from outside (unlike what we’re told in general), rather everything we need is already here. Through somatic work, we get to explore deeper layers of ourselves and develop a true sense of safety as our home base, which will eventually empower us, increase our confidence and courage to be with ourselves and life as it is, to love and express ourselves exactly as we are.
We may even find and remember parts of ourselves whose existence we’ve completely ignored or simply forgotten. This is part of our homecoming and return to wholeness. Somatic work has the potential to liberate you in a way, that You’ll become your greatest love story, your life will feel, look, taste and smell like You, on every single dimension.
I find this extremely exciting! Don’t you?
Truth is too many of us live a life disconnected from ourselves and our body, often also leading us to live a life accordingly to what we believe is expected from us, rather than actually living our own life, from inside out, in tune with our aligned truth and multifaceted feminine nature. I wish to see more liberated beings, who live life from a place of deep internal connection and a feeling of deep knowing.
So, I guide women to connect to the truth of their soul and innate body wisdom. Transitioning from feeling physically, emotionally and spiritually numb, drained out, unhappy, powerless, stuck and lost, into remembering their pure soul essence, feminine wild nature, flowering as their natural Self, into full expression, innate erotic aliveness and radiance. I support you to midwife yourself, and birth yourself into wholeness.
What if you'd feel so safe internally, that you could be yourself fully?
Do you deeply desire...
• To feel more depth, connection, meaning, safety and belonging
• To have more freedom, flow, beauty and ease in your life
• To get to know yourself again and/or much deeper
• To feel a deep inner sense of safety and trust
• To free yourself from whatever is still holding you back
• To be confident with who you are, in your own body,
your expression and finding your true voice
• To be yourself fully
• To find fulfillment, deeper meaning in life,
discover your soul’s gifts and purpose
• To reconnect to, embody and step more fully into your
sacred feminine essence, your pleasure and true power
• To connect with and activate your own inner Goddess
• To have confidence to shine your light unapologetically in the world
• To live a life that turns you on and sets every bit of your soul on fire
I see you, I hear you,
I witness you and welcome You,
as You are,
complete and whole.
What I offer...

Are you feeling called to step into the temple? The temple of your own body? Experience a deeply transformative, expansive and highly activating container with like-hearted Sisters. This is an initiation, a doorway, an invitation into your true power & liberation - into living your life as the authentic divine embodiment of Who-You-Are. This is a week filled with…

Goddess store:
Clothing and adornments, handmade in Bali + Crystal Jade eggs & more, to enhance self-love, connect deeper with your sexuality, activate more blissful energy, your full pleasure & potential. Awaken the Goddess within, reminding you of your divinity. New divine pieces and designs available!
“The only way to deal with an unfree world
is to become so absolutely free,
that your very own existence is an act of rebellion.”

Trauma Informed Somatic Educator for Women
Soma comes from the Greek language meaning body.
In somatic work, we work with the body, sensations and emotions, and more specifically with what is present in our experience, right here and now.
Why through the body? Because everything, our entire history is inside of us. So through the body we can basically work on any topic, but first, in order to dive deep, so that the feelings, the information and our inner wisdom could surface, we need to slow down and feel safe enough to feel.
Experiencing and building a sense of safety is a priority and extremely important in somatic work. It’s something I focus on both in 1:1 and group containers.
Trauma awareness means that I have an understanding of the mechanisms of trauma, as well as the functioning of the nervous system, and above all, I have the tools to meet situations where intense emotions and/or trauma can surface. It’s really valuable for each of us to learn how to consciously create a sense of safety within, how to calm the body and nervous system when we get activated. You will learn to use these same tools independently, when working with me.
Somatic work offers us an opportunity to get to know ourselves deeply through the body and befriend the body in her whole. We can learn to safely feel, explore and integrate everything we experience, and truly liberate ourselves from everything that still needs to be liberated, in order for us to live more fully and freely, and be more comfortable and relaxed in our bodies and life.
In this work, a person centred approach means that I’m your guide, I’m dedicated to hold a safe space for you, however, you lead. The intention of somatic work is ultimately that you could be exactly who you are and live freely the kind of life that you want to live.
Personally I’ve walked a really long way from living a performance-oriented, externally controlled life, where I was constantly trying to please others and basically abandoning myself all the time. It was all-consuming, I was pushing forward, managing, surviving and trying to control life from a full-on masculine energy, all the way into my burnout. Truthfully I did all this because of a deep longing to feel seen and loved as I am and belong. I yearned to have a sense of deep meaning and purpose in my life.
From my burnout, I gradually started to transform myself and my life, to weave my life with a new kind of thread which included a deep connection to my body, eventually my true feminine power and multifaceted nature as an active creatress of my life.
Today I’m still on this path, and now here to support other women to create the life of their dreams through somatic work and connection.
If you’re curious to read more about my story, you’ll find it on my blog. Below you may read more about what I offer and see how we can work together.
Which one of these Hindu Goddesses do you embody the most?
Because we’re multifaceted as women…
Are you Lakshmi, the Goddess of abundance, the fierce warrioress
Durga, loving Parvati, the creatrix Saraswati or wild Kali?