You are a Rose by Bohemian Goddess I Sara Adolfsen

You are a rose

You are a Rose…

The softest, sweetest, most delicate innocent rose amongst all sweet roses.

From far you might look similar to the other roses, but when you look closer you’ll notice the variations in tones, hight, in the stem and thorns, the leaves you grow, in the amount, placement, texture and openness of your petals and the divine fragrance you specifically carry.

The rose does not compare though. She sees difference and diversity, as uniqueness and beauty. She knows we all have unique gifts, something to give and share to others. The rose looks not with her eyes only, but with her heart and recognises the beauty in others.

What unites us is, that we all have the same possibility to bloom into our fullest potential, burst wide open in full radiance and innermost beauty.

The magic we posess is infinite, but often times dimmed or diminished. We do not believe in our gifts, we fear failure and we don’t dare to dream big.

It’s frightening for most of us, to reveal our souls desires, to live with our hearts wide open. I know, because I used to be scared too.

However, I want you to know, we can totally access and embody that “full bloom Rose – state” safely, when we start relying on ourselves, believing in our gifts, seeing our own true worth and setting healthy boundaries. This is why we as roses have our thorns. They are there for a reason. The thorns protect us, not to intentionally hurt anybody, but they’re there when needed.

The thorns are there so you could learn to trust yourself, your body and heart, while revealing your essence and unique fragrance with the world. The thorns when correctly used, they are your natural boundaries. When you learn to trust them as such and trust yourself, they’ll help you know, you’re always protected.

The rose, she knows she can stand up for herself when needed. She has clear boundaries and when not respected, she can use her thorns to show how she needs to be met.

The rose lives a self illuminating life – moving out from the darkest depths of her closed bud, into a Goddess Queen of Roses, amongst other Goddesses. She blooms without apologies, she owns her beauty, she utilises and ingests her own medicine. Her radiance is something everybody will notice, and it’s actually nothing she does, but how She is – when She truly embodies her own unique sacred essence.

Be a Rose – Be a Goddess – Bloom wide open with grace

Sending Love and Blessings to you Goddess

Reminding you of your Divinity, Sara✨

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