
Hello beautiful soul, my name is Sara. Welcome to this sacred portal of sisterhood from my heart to yours. I’m so excited that you are here and for what I sense as curiosity and openness to explore into deeper layers of your being, your body, mind, soul and psyche. If you choose me as your mentor, guide and coach, I receive this as a gift – A gift to walk side by side with you and witness, as you step into your full blooming power and potential. Are you ready to say yes, to your wholeness?
Whatever the reason is for you to be here today – I wish to inhale and exhale deeply with you and welcome you, as you are, into this portal.
If you wish to read a long version of my personal story from breakdown to break through, you can find it in the blog. You can definitely make your mess, your message. However, what I wish to speak to here, is something way bigger…

We live in a disembodied world
For more than 5000 years, the feminine, the Goddess, the female body, her sexuality, the true power of women, have all been demonised. The state our planet and the way we treat nature is a sign of the lack of respect there still is, towards the feminine – Mother Earth.
Before the male God, there was the Goddess, until she was fully stripped away.
…and so now, we still live in a world, which does not teach and support connection to the body, to our sensuality and sensitivity, to our sacred life force and deep inner knowing. As female bodied extremely sensual beings, this is a very painful experience, whether we consciously know it or not.
Many of us actually learn to rely on and create a false sense of self through a distorted image, of what a woman should be like. We create attachments to all things external, as material possessions, receiving love, validation, admiration from the outside, to us being effective, hardworking, successful etc. Our human worth depends on this.
We also naturally learn about what is good, bad, wanted, unwanted, what is culturally or socially accepted and what is not. In general we’re not supported to trust ourselves, the guidance of our bodies, our inner wisdom, our feelings and sensations, but instead, we learn to live a life severed from our bodies including swallowing the norms, rules & conditionings of society, culture, our educational system, politics, religion and patriarchy.

The Shadow side
So, we begin living life from a split when we learn to judge, hide and deny ”unwanted” parts of ourself. We push them in the shadow, create coping mechanisms and repeating patterns in order to not meet these parts that we experienced as a reason for neglect, that we were bullied about or shamed for. We internalise the experience of being without love because of ”how or who we are”, and so, the self becomes fragmented.
In our aim to receive love and approval from the outside, we try to change ourselves, to be somebody else/ something else. We start to dim our own light, we make ourself small in order to fit in. Some of us try to make sure and become obsessed about, trying to control what other people think or feel about us. We put all our energy into people pleasing and try not to upset anybody. We make an effort to not make anybody feel uncomfortable because of us. Ultimately we keep abandoning ourselves by neglecting our own feelings, needs, truth and boundaries.
What can happen in this process also is that we shut down, we close ourselves & our hearts. Trying to be something that we’re not, takes up a lot of energy and creates energetic blocks. We loose our sense of self and disconnect. We loose our inherent aliveness and we can actually become so distant from our true Selves, that we start believing that being “that something else”, being disconnected, numb & disembodied is “normal”.
It might be evident but I’ll say it anyway: It’s basically IMPOSSIBLE to live a satisfying, fulfilling and liberated life like this.
Just as a little thought, next time you have the possibility please observe the joy, aliveness & innocence of little children. This is us – all of us when we’re born into this world.
This is what “gets lost” through the conditioning that we absorb from the outside. This is also very human. It’s nothing to judge or be ashamed of. We’re all in this together. Nothing is also lost, it’s all still within you. We just need to be reminded and remember and welcome those hidden pieces back home to ourselves.
Your body is sacred
Sacredness and sensuality is about meeting your true self and life in the present, being in the direct felt sensed experience of this moment. This is also about coming back to the body.
Coming home, and creating safety within to feel all of you.
Somatics is therefor about building capacity to be with self, to be with the body, with the full range of sensation and emotion — with both pleasure and pain, because inherently it’s all the same -it’s all feeling and sensing and about our capacity – how much feeling we can hold in this present moment.
Where the embodiment & somatic work comes in…
Only by slowing down, connecting within and allowing the body to speak is where we’re able to hear its true voice. You’ll come into contact with Who-you-truly-are as a whole, as a whole woman & whole human being.
But first, we need to create somatic safety, within the body, bringing in more capacity to feel, so that you can then access even more, of who you are.
I’m here to be a gentle emphatic guide, to support you in your process of self discovery, re-connection or, creating an even deeper connection to self.
I’m here to remind you of what is actually possible for you.
I’m here, as you reprogram and decondition – as you remember…
What is possible…
No matter what the sensation and feeling is – all is sensation and feeling all is about our capacity to be present with the body.
In order to be able to explore the deep depths and highest of highs of both our shadow/underworld and our pleasure and highest bliss, we need a safe space to do this.
Our capacity to feel discomfort in our body equates to our capacity to feel pleasure and joy – It’s all connected to how much aliveness we can handle in our bodies, our capacity to feel and be with the feeling.
I’m here to hold an open space of possibility where you can safely explore. I’ll walk side by side with you, as you reclaim your power, your wildness, your childlike awe, wonder and erotic innocence – your WHOLENESS.
I am here to witness You Bloom!
Lastly, from a deeply connected liberated space, where you embody your wild and free divine nature, you can create anything you desire! I mean ANYTHING!
This is, what’s possible.
“The only way to deal with an unfree world, is to become so absolutely free, that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”
– Albert Camus

With love, Sara
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In service of Love Midwifing wholeness & liberation
Sara is a Trauma Informed Somatic Educator for Women & Feminine embodiment coach.
She has dedicated her entire life for personal growth in order live her own wildest dream and then to share her insights and wisdom to help others find freedom and the place of their soul’s highest evolvement.
Sara has recently studied: Trauma resolution, nervous system health, somatic psychology, shadow work, somatic dance therapy, body intelligence, deep feminine mysteries, the erotic, sexual sovereignty, menstrual cycle wisdom and art, decolonization, non-dual meditation and embodied leadership.
Sara has previously done trainings such as: Certified Dharma/ Soul’s purpose Coach, Certified Spiritual coach, Yoga teacher training, Peter Hess: Sound bath- and Singing bowl sound healing, Rose Priestess one year spiral. She is also a Certified Nurse, eco-beautician and has done extensive studies in Functional Medicine, specialising in healing/ balancing the gut & hormones.
Additionally, she is a passionate writer and loves to create beauty around her where ever she goes. She has a special place in her heart for nature and prefers to live amongst and in harmony with it. She has inherited the gift of foraging wild food from her mother and loves to share about edible plants and flowers too, so there is a little green witch in her as well. Her creative soul thrives in sunny warm weather and that’s why she chooses to live abroad, currently in Bali, with her family. Summertime she spends in Finland, where she is originally from.
What excites her the most is the infinite potential life itself withholds and the endless opportunities we as human beings have to create the life of our dreams. Our dreams are in fact our soul’s whispers and part of our dharma.
Sara is obviously also extremely passionate about the Sacred Feminine work and arts, and how we can through somatic embodiment practices come into contact with, activate, liberate and awaken dormant parts of ourselves, remind us of our true wild, free and divine nature, come back into wholeness and live a life of fulfilment, love, pleasure, joy and purpose.
Freedom & liberation is her “big why” and what truly drives her. When we realise our freedom & the power we have within – realising our potential and all possibilities…when we create change within ourselves, the whole world slowly begins to change.
“I will not rescue you, for you are not powerless.
I will not fix you, for you are not broken.
I will not heal you, for I see you in your wholeness.
I walk with you through the darkness, as you remember your light.”
– Unknown (A medicine woman’s prayer)